Reflection - Electronic (Website)
1. Compare the ways in which the final version is more effective (or, perhaps, less effective) than your earlier draft. Make sure to consider purpose, audience, argument, evidence, and language conventions.
Final Version of the website is much more appealing to the audience in several ways. It is more visual as I have included many more images and slide shows than the initial draft. It has a better visualization. Initially, I had not included a visualization page. In the final draft I decided to include the same so that it explains the visualization and how it can be interpreted. Moreover, I decided to include the resources and videos page which cites all the external resources I had used to improve my knowledge of the topic. The initial draft only had the pages for drafts, home and works cited. Moreover, the pages were divided on the basis of lenses. In the final draft, the pages are divided on the basis of assignments which further have subpages stating various lenses used. The initial draft had drafts of the initial essays only whereas the final draft has the drafts of all the pieces.
2. Explain how your text uses more than words to achieve your purposes. As appropriate, consider interactivity, layout, design, headers, images, fonts, color, other graphic elements, other aural elements, or other spatial or gestural elements.
There a lot of elements which the website uses to express the research topic’s main ideas other than words. First, the website uses different colors, fonts and text size to show different parts of writing. For instance, the title is usually the largest in size, of different color and other font not used in the main text. The webpage is divided into various pages and sub-pages leading to better organization. The webpage has several pictures, slide shows, interactive elements like YouTube videos and it gives comprehensive space to express the ideas and thoughts of the research topic. It contains the elements of both still and motion photography and is purely visual. It uses text boxes to insert the essays and drafts which make it look more neat and organized. It uses a beautiful combination of images and words to explain the intricacies of this research object.
3. Describe the processes you have used effectively in composing the final draft that you believe are worth repeating when you do another project. Consider planning, collaboration with peers, using library resources, revision techniques, editing techniques, and the timing of your drafts.
Projects like these should be done in groups because they help save a lot of time. I worked with one of my friends to make the website. While we were working on making our own individual websites, we shared our ideas and techniques. This saved time and led to better organization and ideas. Since, websites are accessible to large number of people, it is essential to make sure the website is error free. For revising the websites structure, I experimented by trying different development strategies in Weebly website developer. For example, I initially had divided the subtopics on the basis of lenses without any subpages. When I used subpages, I realized it led to much better organization. Moreover, I read out the content of the website loud to make sure my eyes and ears catch most of the errors. So basically by experimenting and gradual improvements, I improved the initial website design tremendously.
Final Version of the website is much more appealing to the audience in several ways. It is more visual as I have included many more images and slide shows than the initial draft. It has a better visualization. Initially, I had not included a visualization page. In the final draft I decided to include the same so that it explains the visualization and how it can be interpreted. Moreover, I decided to include the resources and videos page which cites all the external resources I had used to improve my knowledge of the topic. The initial draft only had the pages for drafts, home and works cited. Moreover, the pages were divided on the basis of lenses. In the final draft, the pages are divided on the basis of assignments which further have subpages stating various lenses used. The initial draft had drafts of the initial essays only whereas the final draft has the drafts of all the pieces.
2. Explain how your text uses more than words to achieve your purposes. As appropriate, consider interactivity, layout, design, headers, images, fonts, color, other graphic elements, other aural elements, or other spatial or gestural elements.
There a lot of elements which the website uses to express the research topic’s main ideas other than words. First, the website uses different colors, fonts and text size to show different parts of writing. For instance, the title is usually the largest in size, of different color and other font not used in the main text. The webpage is divided into various pages and sub-pages leading to better organization. The webpage has several pictures, slide shows, interactive elements like YouTube videos and it gives comprehensive space to express the ideas and thoughts of the research topic. It contains the elements of both still and motion photography and is purely visual. It uses text boxes to insert the essays and drafts which make it look more neat and organized. It uses a beautiful combination of images and words to explain the intricacies of this research object.
3. Describe the processes you have used effectively in composing the final draft that you believe are worth repeating when you do another project. Consider planning, collaboration with peers, using library resources, revision techniques, editing techniques, and the timing of your drafts.
Projects like these should be done in groups because they help save a lot of time. I worked with one of my friends to make the website. While we were working on making our own individual websites, we shared our ideas and techniques. This saved time and led to better organization and ideas. Since, websites are accessible to large number of people, it is essential to make sure the website is error free. For revising the websites structure, I experimented by trying different development strategies in Weebly website developer. For example, I initially had divided the subtopics on the basis of lenses without any subpages. When I used subpages, I realized it led to much better organization. Moreover, I read out the content of the website loud to make sure my eyes and ears catch most of the errors. So basically by experimenting and gradual improvements, I improved the initial website design tremendously.